British Crown Green Bowling Association


BCGBA Ladies Dorothy Piearce Memorial Pairs


Scroll down for previous years results

History of the BCG Ladies Dorothy Piearce Memorial Pairs


2023     Kerry Brown & Danielle Miles (South Yorkshire)
2022     Belinda Lloyd & Linda Williams (Wales)
2021     No competition
2020     No competition
2019     Nicola Boulton & Sue Worrall (Mid Cheshire)
2018     Julie Best & Debora Sturman (Yorkshire)
2017     Lynsey Gorman & Anita Richardson (Merseyside)
2016     Lynsey Gorman & Anita Richardson (Merseyside)
2015     Gill Welsh & Liz Rowley (Staffordshire)
2014     Julie Pearce & Tracy Ryan (Shropshire)
2013     Julie Pearce & Tracy Ryan (Shropshire)
2012     Lynn Fox & Jenny Storer (South Derbyshire)
2011     Karen Galvin & Lesley Smith (Cheshire)
2010     Maggie Barnes & Joan Skidmore (Coventry & District)
2009     Hannah McDonald & Janet Needham (South Derbyshire)
2008     Veronica Lyon & Maureen Lyons (Cheshire)
2007     Angie Insley & Mary Mousley (Burton & District)
2006     Sylvia Bradbury & Charlotte Hough (Cheshire)
2005     Julie Gardner & Lynn Mountford (Wirral)
2004     Helen Clee & Angela Gaut (Shropshire)
2003     Janet Monk & Lilian Slinger (Isle of Man)
2002     Joan Taylforth & Linda Valentine (Cumbria)
2001     Jill Gibbon & Sonia Robson (North Warwickshire)
2000     Helen Clee & Angela Gaut (Shropshire)
1999     Kath Irwin & Zena Mee (Burton & District)
1998     Pat Davies & Jane Jones (Wirral)
1997     Pat Davies & Jane Jones (Wirral)